Monday, January 7, 2013

Read this using your alter-ego...

Hello to my fellow Lana lovers! I can't help but greet you all with excitement as someone (meaning outside of our little AP class) commented on one of my previous posts, recognizing that my URL and blog name are both in honor of Lana. To those of you stumped who Lana even is, I'll leave a video link so you can follow it and be taken over by her power.  My apologies, this isn't a music blog!
You're probably all wondering what I meant by my title. I'm not responding to a book in this point. I'm instead responding to my view of literature in terms of how it changes are deepest knowledge of ourself whether we want it to or not. I myself find it impossible to read anything without identifying with a character whether that character fits who I show people daily or if it hits to a deeper place that not many know about. Literature is meant to evoke a sense of rebirth and have us hanging on to a world unlike our own.
I have a tip to anyone who feels they can't read a book because of length or contact. I'm not going to lie to you. I don't like reading that much but to help myself I place myself in the piece and find myself relating to a character. If there isn't a character I can equate to either myself or my alter ego I create a new one to help me follow through.
Okay, this turned into something more like a tangent than a coherent post about literature. All I'm trying to say is that characters speak to us so use their presence to enjoy yourself and submerge yourself into the reality of the piece. To all my other friends out there, have a happy day! 

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